According to data released by the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, a branch of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) responsible for keeping records of drug tests in drivers, there was a significant increase in positive marijuana tests among truck driver license holders in 2022: 40,916 truck driver license holders tested positive for THC last year.

This represents a significant increase compared to 31,085 in 2021 and even more than the 29,511 in 2020. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana and, according to studies, it can cause euphoria and a sense of relaxation, although in some individuals, it may increase perception. While over 40,000 tested positive for THC last year, the next closest substance in 2022 was the stimulant cocaine, with 10,953 positives, according to clearinghouse data.
It's important to note that truck drivers are not only subjected to tests after being involved in accidents but also during the pre-employment stage and randomly. They must undergo testing to ensure that the clearinghouse results reflect tests for commercial drivers at any stage. After a positive test, a license holder is prohibited from driving and is entered into a Return-to-Duty (RTD) process, which involves counseling, monitoring, and follow-up testing. If a trucker wants to resume driving, they must successfully complete this process.
Since the beginning of 2020, when the current reporting system started, the clearinghouse has reported positive results for all types of drug tests, including 110,856 for marijuana alone. Out of 180,664 truck driver license holders, 129,100 have been placed in a prohibited status, meaning they can never drive commercially again. Another 97,833 have tested positive but have been through the RTD process and have not yet exited that process, meaning they have relinquished their truck driver licenses.
*With information from FleetOwner.
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